
Ask MoneySense

A high-rise apartment building in Vancouver

Ask MoneySense

When two people are on a condo title, who pays capital gains?

Figuring out who "owns" a property is key

When two people are on a condo title, who pays capital gains?

Ask MoneySense

Should I add to an RRSP in retirement?

Bruce has $15K in unused room and wonders if it makes sense to top up his RRSP

Should I add to an RRSP in retirement?
NASDAQ Marketsite

Ask MoneySense

Should I use an ETF that tracks the NASDAQ?

You may be tempted to use this index because of its tech stock returns. But you don't need it...

Should I use an ETF that tracks the NASDAQ?
A paint tray of fresh paint for the walls.

Ask MoneySense

Using RRSP money for a renovation

Janet is hoping the value of her investment property will increase and make up for the RRSP loss

Using RRSP money for a renovation



Ask MoneySense

How do I get my ex to pay spousal support?

Depending on the circumstances, there may not be much you can do, but there are options

How do I get my ex to pay spousal support?
capital loss tax deduction general tax form

Ask a Planner

Capital loss tax deductions from beyond the grave

Yvonne's recently-passed husband had capital losses. Did she maximize the claim on his final tax return?

Capital loss tax deductions from beyond the grave

Ask MoneySense

Will replacing an air filter maintain the car warranty?

When it pays to use parts of "like kind and quality"

Will replacing an air filter maintain the car warranty?
capital gains tax

Ask MoneySense

Do Americans have to report interest income from a TFSA on their U.S. tax return?

Short answer: yes, but there's a lot more to it. Failing to fill in the correct forms can result...

Do Americans have to report interest income from a TFSA on their U.S. tax return?


RRIF estate planning inheritance tax

Ask a Planner

Gifting your RRIF to your children

Angie wants to give her RRIF to her children while she’s still alive

Gifting your RRIF to your children
