
Ask MoneySense

income property

Ask MoneySense

Paying down an income property

Should you use your RRSP? Depends on your long-term goals

Paying down an income property
cottage purchases capital gains tax

Ask MoneySense

Paying capital gains tax on a jointly-owned cottage

Do you pay when each person dies? Or when the cottage is sold?

Paying capital gains tax on a jointly-owned cottage
pension buyback


Should you do a pension buyback?

It's almost always a good idea

Should you do a pension buyback?

Ask MoneySense

How much total ‘credit’ should a couple have?

Is access to $50,000 enough for emergencies?

How much total ‘credit’ should a couple have?



Ask MoneySense

How should I invest a $60,000 inheritance?

Investing a large sum of money can be daunting. Here are some things you need to consider

How should I invest a $60,000 inheritance?
paint colour

Ask MoneySense

How repainting your car affects resale value

If you're changing the colour entirely, it may not be worth the cost

How repainting your car affects resale value
spousal rrsps man woman sitting on bench

Ask MoneySense

Do we need spousal RRSPs if our salaries are the same?

How to decide if there's an advantage

Do we need spousal RRSPs if our salaries are the same?

Ask MoneySense

The importance of risk tolerance

What is your predilection for risk? Here's how to find out

The importance of risk tolerance


Ask MoneySense

How receiving CPP affects U.S. Social Security benefits

Beware the Windfall Elimination Provision

How receiving CPP affects U.S. Social Security benefits
