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CPP and OAS after the death of a spouse

Keith arranged to split pensions with his late wife many years ago. What is he entitled to now?

CPP and OAS after the death of a spouse
Does a 21-year-old need life insurance?

Ask MoneySense

Does a 21-year-old need life insurance?

By taking it now, you can lock in a lower premium rate for life

Does a 21-year-old need life insurance?
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

Is it worth it to buy U.S.-listed ETFs?

ETFs listed on an American exchange are cheaper than those listed in Canada, but that may not be enough...

Is it worth it to buy U.S.-listed ETFs?
man using laptop to create online will or for some other internet application

Ask MoneySense

Dangers of DIY wills

Before falling for these cheaper options, read this

Dangers of DIY wills



group rrsps financial planning

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Reasons to tap RRSPs before age 71

Doing this makes sense for plenty of Canadians. Is it the right option for you?

Reasons to tap RRSPs before age 71

Ask MoneySense

Is my ex-wife entitled to half the principal residence?

Even though Jean's ex-wife left him months ago, can she still come after him for a share of the...

Is my ex-wife entitled to half the principal residence?
vanguard etfs

Ask MoneySense

Reinvesting dividends on your ETFs

What you need to know and how those distributions are eventually taxed

Reinvesting dividends on your ETFs

Ask MoneySense

Common-law estate planning

If you need the money to pay bills, follow these steps

Common-law estate planning


pay down the mortgage

Ask a Planner

Should you use RRSPs to pay down the mortgage?

Careful, the tax hit may be hefty if you tap your RRSP early

Should you use RRSPs to pay down the mortgage?
