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filling taxes in retirement senior elderly retired

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Collecting CPP while working in the U.S.

How to transfer Social Security credits from the U.S. to Canada

Collecting CPP while working in the U.S.
(Boris Austin/Getty Images)

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Paying tax when moving a 401K to Canada

Transferring funds from the U.S. to Canada can get expensive

Paying tax when moving a 401K to Canada
monthly pension vs lump sum commuted pension

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Lump sum vs. monthly pensions

Low interest rates mean a higher lump sum— but don't let that be your deciding factor

Lump sum vs. monthly pensions

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The role of power of attorney

The roles and responsibilities differ from that of executors to a will. Here's how

The role of power of attorney




Tax facts when hiring a nanny

You have different obligations depending on if your nanny is your employee or is considered self-employed

Tax facts when hiring a nanny
how to invest your money in canada

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Investing in Canada while living abroad

Brian is a Canadian citizen working abroad and wants to invest his $125,000 tax effectively

Investing in Canada while living abroad

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Retiring to Mexico— for a lower tax rate

You technically have to pay just 15% on your Canadian income, but there's more to the story

Retiring to Mexico— for a lower tax rate

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How to prolong the life of your car

Whether you park indoors or out, you want your vehicle to last. Here's what to look for in a...

How to prolong the life of your car


Two men chat about buying ETFs with monthly installments


How can I buy ETF shares on a monthly savings plan?

Are there ETF-buying plans available that keep share-buying low?

How can I buy ETF shares on a monthly savings plan?
