
Ask MoneySense

Wall Street

Ask MoneySense

Does the 15% withholding tax apply to capital gains?

And who reports withholding taxes to the IRS—me, or the investment company?

Does the 15% withholding tax apply to capital gains?
retirement planning

Ask MoneySense

Paying into CPP when you work past your 60s

In Canada, paying into CPP if you work—at whatever age—is mandatory

Paying into CPP when you work past your 60s

Ask MoneySense

Who gets what in a blended family with no will?

There are no guarantees of who will inherit the estate

Who gets what in a blended family with no will?
ETFs TD active vs passive

Ask MoneySense

The best way to rebalance multiple couch potatoes

TFSA, RRSP and LIRA accounts require special attention once a year

The best way to rebalance multiple couch potatoes



Ask MoneySense

How to invest a $50,000 inheritance

Here's the best thing to do with a windfall right now

How to invest a $50,000 inheritance

Ask a Planner

How to get the most out of the capital gains exemption

Not everyone qualifies for the lifetime capital gains exemption, but there are other options

How to get the most out of the capital gains exemption
retirement plan

Ask MoneySense

Ways to reduce taxable income in retirement

Larry has more money saved than he can possibly spend. He wants a RRIF strategy to cut taxes

Ways to reduce taxable income in retirement
new will


What to do if you don’t trust the executor of a will

This reader thinks her brother will keep everything from their parents' will.

What to do if you don’t trust the executor of a will


A young man empties a lawn mower bag


Tax traps for the self-employed

Know your employment status to avoid a surprise tax bill.

Tax traps for the self-employed
