
Ask MoneySense

monthly pension vs lump sum commuted pension

Ask MoneySense

Should I use my RRSP to pay down debt at retirement?

This reader has $96K in debt and wants to pay it off in four years

Should I use my RRSP to pay down debt at retirement?

Ask a Planner

Are U.S. stocks overvalued?

Rod is concerned about valuations on the S&P 500. Is a U.S. stock market crash imminent?

Are U.S. stocks overvalued?
cpp splitting

Ask MoneySense

Splitting CPP with your ex-spouse

Here's how the process works if you're divorced or separated

Splitting CPP with your ex-spouse

Ask MoneySense

How to get over your fear of investing

Richard is 69 years old and has $600K in cash. What strategy should he use to build a long-term...

How to get over your fear of investing



rental income

Ask MoneySense

Should we funnel rental income into TFSAs?

Kyle wants to use TFSAs to hold rental income for the short term but is it worth the effort?

Should we funnel rental income into TFSAs?
Home Buyers' Plan

Ask MoneySense

Can I use the Home Buyers’ Plan twice?

Danita used the HBP 21 years ago. Can she use it again now?

Can I use the Home Buyers’ Plan twice?
divorce after separating

Ask MoneySense

Should you be afraid of those divorce threats?

Rob separated from his wife years ago. Do her threats to come after him for more money hold up?

Should you be afraid of those divorce threats?
pension guarantee

Ask MoneySense

Should I pay for a pension guarantee?

Ed wants to know whether he should pay now so his spouse never has to worry about retirement income

Should I pay for a pension guarantee?


cpp oas

Ask a Planner

Collecting CPP and OAS while living in the U.S.

Brian wants to start collecting his CPP and OAS pensions while working in the U.S. Can he? And should...

Collecting CPP and OAS while living in the U.S.
