
Ask MoneySense

future investment returns probate fees


How much should you pay in investment fees?

Fee info is hard to find online. Here's advice

How much should you pay in investment fees?
smart beta ETFs

Ask MoneySense

Use small-cap ETFs to modify a Couch Potato

Kelly is a passive investor who wants to add more growth to her couch potato portfolio. Here's a couple...

Use small-cap ETFs to modify a Couch Potato
mortgage co-signer fixed-rate mortgages


What happens when the mortgage co-signer dies?

When a mortgage co-signer dies, both the estate and the homeowner are on the hook for the mortgage debt,...

What happens when the mortgage co-signer dies?

Ask MoneySense

Do I need to disclose my secret bank account?

$30,000 is a big sum to keep from your ex-partner

Do I need to disclose my secret bank account?



filing taxes

Ask a Planner

Filing taxes while holding U.S. investments in Canada

Does moving U.S. dollar investments from the U.S. to Canada make a difference?

Filing taxes while holding U.S. investments in Canada
car warranty

Ask MoneySense

How do I get a dealer to honour a car warranty?

If no one is giving you your warranty, here's where you should go

How do I get a dealer to honour a car warranty?
new will

Ask MoneySense

Making changes to your will

Having the incorrect name on a will is common. Here's when updating is important

Making changes to your will
car insurance premium

Ask MoneySense

Think twice before cancelling auto insurance

You risk paying higher premiums

Think twice before cancelling auto insurance


dividend stocks

Ask a Planner

How to earn tax-efficient dividend income

Just know that your dividends will turn up on your tax return whether you like it or not

How to earn tax-efficient dividend income
