
Ask MoneySense

Reporting the sale of a rental property

Ask a Planner

A quick and easy primer on capital gains tax

How capital gains tax works with a TFSA, plus other need-to-know info

A quick and easy primer on capital gains tax
saving for retirement

Ask MoneySense

How a work pension affects retirement savings

If you had no pension at all you would have to save up enough to cover all of your...

How a work pension affects retirement savings
Home Buyers' Plan

Ask MoneySense

Is this the right time to be buying a house?

Erika believes the real estate market will crash. Here's what she should do

Is this the right time to be buying a house?
tfsa contribution room

Ask a Planner

When not to contribute to a TFSA

Richard is looking for some advice on an $80K inheritance. A TFSA isn't the holy grail of investing

When not to contribute to a TFSA



Ask MoneySense

Who will replace my air bags for free?

It should be the manufacturer's responsibility, usually

Who will replace my air bags for free?
unlock lira

Ask a Planner

Can you unlock a LIRA early?

In Alberta there are 5 instances when you may be able to

Can you unlock a LIRA early?
cpp splitting

Ask MoneySense

Is a separation binding without lawyers?

When undergoing the mediation process, it pays to have the final agreement looked over by a lawyer

Is a separation binding without lawyers?

Ask a Planner

Paying off debt with investment income

Shawn can pay off his mortgage with his stock investments. The question is: Should he?

Paying off debt with investment income


RRSP contribution limit

Ask MoneySense

Who pays tax on my dead mother’s RRSP withdrawal?

It may be possible to reverse a transfer of RRSP funds—but it won't be easy

Who pays tax on my dead mother’s RRSP withdrawal?
