
Ask MoneySense

capital gains tax

Ask MoneySense

Penalty for holding dividend stocks in a TFSA?

There are tax issues involved if you earn dividends inside your Tax-Free Savings Account

Penalty for holding dividend stocks in a TFSA?
divorce advice sad dog stolen dog family dog

Ask MoneySense

My ex-wife refuses to return my dog. Now what?

Here's what to do in this sticky situation

My ex-wife refuses to return my dog. Now what?
home improvement

Ask MoneySense

Claiming reno costs spent on an investment property

A reader wants to help his mom renovate and sell a property, but isn't sure how to claim the...

Claiming reno costs spent on an investment property
future investment returns probate fees

Ask MoneySense

How to switch out of high-fee funds

If you own expensive mutual funds you are paying for a service. If you aren't getting good value for...

How to switch out of high-fee funds



spousal rrsps man woman sitting on bench

Ask MoneySense

Is my spousal RRSP still mine?

Your spouse can contribute to the account but that doesn't give them joint ownership

Is my spousal RRSP still mine?
avoid probate

Ask a Planner

Help your parents avoid probate

Should you buy your parent's home to dodge probate?

Help your parents avoid probate

Ask MoneySense

When you’re unhappy with your real estate agent

Our reader is frustrated and far, far away from the property that needs to be sold. Here are his...

When you’re unhappy with your real estate agent
A newspaper photo of US stock performance


Investing U.S. stocks in a TFSA

Avoiding U.S. stocks in your TFSA may lead you to pay more tax

Investing U.S. stocks in a TFSA


home sales

Ask MoneySense

Qualifying for the Home Buyers’ Plan

Living in someone else's house could leave you ineligible

Qualifying for the Home Buyers’ Plan
