
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

What to know about the know-your-client forms

If your advisor doesn't fill one in for you, is he disciplined?

What to know about the know-your-client forms

Ask MoneySense

Comparing rates of return

If a mutual fund’s rate of return is 4% and an ETF’s is 4%, are they equal?

Comparing rates of return

Ask a Planner

What is in a financial plan?

Here's exactly what a financial plan from a fee-only planner entails.

What is in a financial plan?
estate planning

Ask MoneySense

Can I leave money to my niece through a codicil?

It's not the quick and easy option you think it is

Can I leave money to my niece through a codicil?



Investment losses can pile up over time

Ask MoneySense

Should you wait out an investment loss?

Jordan racked up a big loss over the past three years and isn’t sure he can take it anymore,...

Should you wait out an investment loss?
tax on an investment property

Ask MoneySense

The capital gains move you don’t want to make

Don't forget the 30-day rule, or face the ire of the CRA

The capital gains move you don’t want to make

Ask MoneySense

What are the tax rules for LIRAs?

You can convert it into a LIF or an annuity

What are the tax rules for LIRAs?

Ask MoneySense

Should I drive my car without airbags?

How risky is it really?

Should I drive my car without airbags?


TFSA limit

Ask a Planner

Can I reset my TFSA?

John has lost money in his TFSA and he wants to figure out the best way to make lemonade...

Can I reset my TFSA?
