
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

Should I buy life insurance for our child?

Depends on your child’s medical history

Should I buy life insurance for our child?
filing taxes

Ask a Planner

Tax troubles when moving to the U.S.

Rajesh and his wife are moving to the U.S. What are the tax implications of their rental property in...

Tax troubles when moving to the U.S.

Ask MoneySense

Bad luck, bad advice leads to withheld tax refunds

What to do when a consumer proposal comes back to haunt you

Bad luck, bad advice leads to withheld tax refunds


I left Canada—should I still invest in RRSPs?

It depends on if you're paying tax in Canada

I left Canada—should I still invest in RRSPs?



mortgage rate increases

Ask MoneySense

How does a mortgage inside an RRSP work?

It's risky. Instead, focus on easier ways to reduce fees and optimize taxes

How does a mortgage inside an RRSP work?

Ask a Planner

Do I qualify for the pension tax credit?

The eligibility for the credit is based on your age, sources of income and tax payable

Do I qualify for the pension tax credit?

Ask MoneySense

How to tell the taxman you’re selling your home

How do you declare your principal residence exemption?

How to tell the taxman you’re selling your home

Ask MoneySense

How to claim the new-home GST rebate

Should you apply for the rebate, even if you suspect your builder didn't pay the tax to the CRA?...

How to claim the new-home GST rebate


cash flow

Ask a Planner

What to do with your extra cash

A high-interest savings account is great, but if you're willing to stray from the safety net, there are potentially...

What to do with your extra cash
