Which savings plans should a 37-year-old with a military disability income contribute to, and when?
Jason and his wife have registered disability savings plans, and want to know how to prioritize their contributions among various investment accounts.
Jason, check back as to when you opened the RDSP. You can go back and make contributions for past years and may receive some additional RDSP grants or bonds.
Don’t open an RDSP at the big six Schedule A banks i.e. RBC, CIBC, Scotia, TD, National, BMO as they force you to buy their expensive and limited choice mutual funds.
Open an RDSP at the subsidiary of TD > TD Waterhouse Direct Investing as you get access to tons of low-cost ETF’s and any stock if you so wish.
I recently helped my adult daughter with a registered disability open an RDSP. From what I understand, she is not allowed to have an RRSP (an RDSP takes the place of an RRSP) and funds held in a TFSA would be included in the total amount she is allowed to hold in savings. We’re in B.C. Does this differ by province?
Response from the MoneySense editorial team:
Hi Nicole, thanks for asking.
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