
Canadian Couch Potato

Canadian Couch Potato

Scott Burns Interview: Part 2

Here is part two of my interview with Scott Burns, the newspaper columnist and Chief Investment Strategist at AssetBuilder...

Scott Burns Interview: Part 2

Canadian Couch Potato

An Interview with the Original Couch Potato

“Allow me to introduce the Couch Potato Portfolio, a surefire formula to invest your money, enjoy a return that...

An Interview with the Original Couch Potato

Canadian Couch Potato

Inside Morningstar’s New Strategy Indexes

On Monday, I wrote a post about a new Canadian dividend fund from XTF Capital. That fund is one...

Inside Morningstar’s New Strategy Indexes

Canadian Couch Potato

A New Dividend ETF With Secret Sauce?

Last June, a new ETF provider appeared in Canada with little fanfare. I didn’t write anything about the launch...

A New Dividend ETF With Secret Sauce?



Canadian Couch Potato

Are Active Funds Adding Value?

Just how well are mutual fund investors faring in Canada? That question isn’t as straightforward as it may seem....

Are Active Funds Adding Value?

Canadian Couch Potato

How Claymore’s Advantaged ETFs Pay Investors

In a previous post, I looked at some strategies for tax-efficient investing with ETFs. Among the innovative products designed...

How Claymore’s Advantaged ETFs Pay Investors

Canadian Couch Potato

Market Forecasts Prove Worthless—Again

I’m confused by a lot of things in investing, but the enduring influence of market forecasts is the one...

Market Forecasts Prove Worthless—Again

Canadian Couch Potato

Tax-efficient investing with ETFs

If you’re investing outside of tax-sheltered accounts like RRSPs and TFSAs, you need to choose your investments carefully—otherwise you...

Tax-efficient investing with ETFs


Canadian Couch Potato

Dividends: Not as tax-friendly as you may think

If your investments include RRSPs, TFSAs and taxable accounts, asset location is an important consideration. The returns of various...

Dividends: Not as tax-friendly as you may think
