
Canadian Couch Potato

Canadian Couch Potato

More Promises of High Yield Without Risk

Earlier this week I argued that savings accounts and GICs are still the best vehicles for short-term savings, because...

More Promises of High Yield Without Risk

Canadian Couch Potato

Lunch Is Still Not Free, Even If It’s Potatoes

I occasionally hear from readers who want to know which ETF or index fund portfolio would be a suitable...

Lunch Is Still Not Free, Even If It’s Potatoes

Canadian Couch Potato

Adapting the Lazy Portfolios for Canada

In Monday’s post, I had some fun at the expense of Paul Farrell, the MarketWatch columnist who champions index...

Adapting the Lazy Portfolios for Canada

Canadian Couch Potato

Will the Real S&P 500 Please Stand Up?

I received an email recently from Scott, a reader with a great question about index funds and ETFs that...

Will the Real S&P 500 Please Stand Up?



Canadian Couch Potato

When Couch Potatoes Go Bad

Paul B. Farrell, a long-time columnist with MarketWatch, seems to have taken leave of his senses. For years, Farrell...

When Couch Potatoes Go Bad

Canadian Couch Potato

Would You Like Fees With That?

I’ve grown used to the antics of mutual fund companies and commission-based fund hawkers who criticize index investing. It’s...

Would You Like Fees With That?

Canadian Couch Potato

What Is the Advisor’s Role?

John Lawrence Reynolds’ newest book, The Skeptical Investor, argues that Canadians were badly served by their advisors during the...

What Is the Advisor’s Role?

Canadian Couch Potato

Does This Thing Work?

This week I received an email from a reader of MoneySense magazine, where I write regularly about the Couch...

Does This Thing Work?


Canadian Couch Potato

Under the Hood: Claymore CorePortfolios

This post is part of a series called Under the Hood, where l take a detailed look at specific...

Under the Hood: Claymore CorePortfolios
