
Canadian Couch Potato

Canadian Couch Potato

Indexing’s Dirty Little Secret

“Most actively managed mutual funds underperform the market.” Couch Potato investors sing this refrain all the time in defense...

Indexing’s Dirty Little Secret

Canadian Couch Potato

New Couch Potato Column in MoneySense

If you’re a reader of MoneySense, you may have a noticed a new column in the May issue. I’m...

New Couch Potato Column in MoneySense

Canadian Couch Potato

International Tracking Error: Part 3

In this final post in the series on why international index funds performed so poorly in 2009, it’s time...

International Tracking Error: Part 3

Canadian Couch Potato

International Tracking Error: Part 2

International index funds and ETFs showed large tracking errors in 2009. In my first post on this topic, I...

International Tracking Error: Part 2



Canadian Couch Potato

International Tracking Error: Part 1

In a previous post, I pointed out that many international equity ETFs showed large tracking errors in 2009. For...

International Tracking Error: Part 1
