Dream as a team
Bruce Sellery says the surest way to realize your dreams is to share them with your partner.
Bruce Sellery says the surest way to realize your dreams is to share them with your partner.
Experiences: What are some experiences would you like to have? Health: What do you want for your mental, physical or spiritual health? Family: What do you want for your family? Home: What do you dream about when it comes to where you live? Contribution: Where would you like to make a contribution to your community? Things: What are some things you’d like to have? Or would you like to simplify? Career: What do you want in the area of your job or career? Retirement: What do you want to do after you stop drawing a paycheque? And when? Wildcards: Is there anything on dream list that you haven’t written down?
Dreaming your partner’s dream as you dream your own Now that you have some ideas on your own, spend some time going through your dream lists together. I can promise you it will be a fruitful discussion. Even couples whose relationships are off track report that this is a helpful exercise, though it may illustrate just how far apart they have become. Being clear about what your partner wants will open the door for you to help them get it. In fact, one of the best wedding vows I ever heard was this. “I promise to dream your dreams as I dream my own.” That is a hell of a standard, but a very powerful one. You’ll cover dreams that are “mine and yours,” and you’ll talk about “ours.” What dreams do we have for us that we’re going to work on together? Bringing dreams to life You might have a nice warm fussy feeling after having a conversation about dreams. Lovely. Enjoy it. Then spend a few minutes thinking about a few actions you could take to move forward on one or two of the dreams you have. And be sure to keep those pieces of paper handy, perhaps even selecting a few of your shared dreams to put on the fridge. We’ve talked about context and dreams. In posts to come I’ll cover values and duties, all in the spirit of improving the “Financial Intimacy” in your relationship.Share this article Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Reddit Share on Email