Since launching Canadian Couch Potato a year ago, I’ve received a number emails from readers who are interested in index funds and ETFs, but who are uncomfortable handling their own investments. Some want a full-service advisor, while others just need a planner who will review their current portfolio and help them create a roadmap for the future. So I’m pleased to announce a new feature called Find an Advisor, a national directory of index-friendly professionals.
Advisors listed in the directory must meet certain criteria. First, they must offer their clients ETFs, index mutual funds, or asset-class funds such as those offered by Dimensional Fund Advisors (which are not available to DIY investors). Financial planners who do not manage portfolios are also included, as long as they have the expertise to help their clients set up a passively managed portfolio.
Second, the advisors must work on a fee-only or fee-based compensation model. If they do receive commissions from products in their lineup (such as Series A mutual funds or advisor-class ETFs), this must be openly disclosed in the listing.
It’s not easy to find an advisor who embraces indexing. I hope this service will help match budding Couch Potatoes with a like-minded financial professional.
Couch Potato Live!
I’d also like to let readers know that I will be doing a presentation at The Investment Show in Toronto this Saturday, February 5, at 2 p.m. the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Toronto.
My talk is called “Stay Passive, My Friends,” and is an introduction to index investing. If you’re attending the show, please stop by the Canadian Money Saver booth and say hello. (Unless you’re a dividend investor who wants to hurt me.)