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Best Schools: B.C. elementary schools

Best schools in British Columbia: Elementary school list This list is based on the Fraser Report rankings as well as the Best Places to...

Best Schools: B.C. elementary schools


Best Schools: Quebec ecoles secondaires

Best schools in Quebec: Ecoles secondaires list This list is based on the Fraser Report rankings as well as the Best Places to Live rankings....

Best Schools: Quebec ecoles secondaires


Best Schools: B.C. secondary schools

Best schools in British Columbia: Secondary school list This list is based on the Fraser Report rankings as well as the Best Places to...

Best Schools: B.C. secondary schools

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Best Schools: Alberta elementary schools

Best schools in Alberta: Elementary school list This list is based on the Fraser Report rankings as well as the Best Places to Live rankings....

Best Schools: Alberta elementary schools



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Best schools: Ontario elementary schools

Best schools in Ontario: Elementary school list This list is based on the Fraser Report rankings as well as the Best Places to Live rankings....

Best schools: Ontario elementary schools

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Best schools: Alberta secondary schools

Best schools in Alberta: Secondary school list This list is based on the Fraser Report rankings as well as the Best Places to Live rankings....

Best schools: Alberta secondary schools


Best schools (in BC, AB, ON and PQ)

Based on the 2015 Best Places to Live rankings

Best schools (in BC, AB, ON and PQ)


Best schools in Canada’s Best Places to Raise Kids

We’ve cross-referenced the data to help you find the best schools in the best cities for kids

Best schools in Canada’s Best Places to Raise Kids



Use the principal residence exemption to save on taxes

When you own multiple properties there are strategies to help save on capital gains taxes

Use the principal residence exemption to save on taxes
