Investing insights From the Canada Pension Plan
You or I may never manage a portfolio as massive as the CPPIB's $188B in assets but we can learn a thing or two from how they invest our contributions.
You or I may never manage a portfolio as massive as the CPPIB's $188B in assets but we can learn a thing or two from how they invest our contributions.
History and expert opinion indicate that the investment returns required for CPP sustainability can be achieved only by taking a measured degree of risk. By far the most important single investment risk is the extent to which equity investments replace fixed income.Investing a large percentage of one’s assets in equities also makes sense for individual investors who have a long time horizon and are able to handle any short-term volatility.
Extending equity and debt investments across the world reduces the CPP Fund’s dependence on returns in any one country or region and hence reduces risk.As Canadian residents, our job prospects, our housing market and the health of our pensions and Government transfers already depend a great deal on the Canadian economy. Therefore, it is prudent for us to take spread our investment bets globally.
For foreign equities, however, the currency impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the volatility of total returns is minimal. By far the largest component of that volatility arises from the local equity market returns themselves. We see little reason to expect a sustained long-term trend to net returns from exchange rate movements for the widely diversified set of currencies associated with the Fund’s equity holdings. If a country persistently has substantially higher inflation than others, investors will demand a risk premium against the likely decline of its currency. Also, the cost of hedging many growth markets’ currencies is prohibitively high. And, if these countries prove to have a significant long-term advantage in productivity and economic growth, their currencies will tend to strengthen vis-à-vis those of developed countries. Hedging would negate this potential gain to the Fund. Finally, the Canadian dollar is highly linked to the price of oil and, to a lesser extent, other commodities. In principle, it is prudent to diversify currency exposure away from such a dominant but uncertain influence. Hedging would unduly tie Fund returns to the price of oil and other commodities as they drive the foreign exchange value of the Canadian dollar. Also, looking out over the long term, the primary asset that offsets CPP liabilities is the future contributions of CPP participants. If the Canadian dollar strengthens versus other currencies, it will most likely be accompanied by strength in the Canadian economy, and rising earnings – and hence plan contributions – of the CPP participants. This represents a natural hedge in the structure of the CPP, greatly reducing the need for explicit currency hedging of the foreign investments of the CPP Fund.
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