


What happens to an RESP for grandchildren when you die?

Opening an RESP is a great way to contribute to your grandchildren’s education costs. But what happens if you...

What happens to an RESP for grandchildren when you die?


Making sense of the markets this week: September 1, 2024

Did Nvidia fail to meet expectations? Plus, why National Bank is a star among the mixed bag of Canadian...

Making sense of the markets this week: September 1, 2024

Ask a Planner

Tax implications of adding a child’s name to your rental property

To fully understand the potential tax outcomes, consider legal versus beneficial ownership, the capital gains inclusion rate, changes to...

Tax implications of adding a child’s name to your rental property


Making sense of the markets this week: August 25, 2024

Canada’s railway-bound economy screeches to halt, inflation is down, Target shares rebound and TD to pay $4-billion penalty.

Making sense of the markets this week: August 25, 2024



senior couple on balcony of home


Why a reverse mortgage should be a last resort for most Canadian retirees

Reverse mortgages do the job of freeing up income for house-rich, cash-poor Canadian seniors. But their terms are often...

Why a reverse mortgage should be a last resort for most Canadian retirees

Ask a Planner

A parents’ guide to home down payment gifts and loans

Many parents loan or gift money to their adult children for real estate purchases. Here are the legal and...

A parents’ guide to home down payment gifts and loans
A Canadian family moving, thanks the BoC rate cuts, which improved mortgage affordability in Vancouver, Toronto and Hamilton


How much income do I need to qualify for a mortgage in Canada?

How much income do I need to qualify for a mortgage in Canada?
Two Canadian students at a dorm discussing RESP withdrawal rules.


RESPs 101: The RESP withdrawal rules

Have an RESP, now what? If you’re wondering how to withdraw that money to pay for school (or not),...

RESPs 101: The RESP withdrawal rules



Making sense of the markets this week: August 18, 2024

Falling U.S. inflation leads to rate cut certainty, Walmart’s strong quarter, Barrick beats Franco-Nevada for the gold metal, and...

Making sense of the markets this week: August 18, 2024
