Should you buy back pension service from your employer?
There are pros and cons to topping up your years of pensionable service, and the longer you live, the more attractive a defined benefit pension becomes.
There are pros and cons to topping up your years of pensionable service, and the longer you live, the more attractive a defined benefit pension becomes.
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There is a sweet spot in the buyback after which the benefit is less. 33k this close to retirement doesn’t sound like a great deal to me. How long will it take till they get the equivalent back in payout? I did a buy back using a very low interest LOC and because I did it a dozen years before my retirement only cost 20K for 2 years which made my retirement at 62 a) achievable and b) sustainable over the next 20-25 yrs.
I believe a TFSA might be a better allocation or even working past the vested date even a year longer. Made the difference for me- w my CPP and OAS i’ll have 60 k a year at 65-w/out my RRSP
Fantastic article. I did a buyback just before retiring. My rationale:
Cost of buyback was 50% covered by employer.
Immediate increase in annual pension of 4.5%.
Did transfer from RRSP so get immediate return of 11.5%.
Put me right at my 85 index for pensionable service for full pension even though years plus experience added to just over 84.
Investment, inflation, sequence of returns and longevity risk transferred to pension manager.
The transferred money is now eligible for income splitting (at any age) with spouse so tax credit plus lower taxes bracket. RRSP cannot be split until age 65.
Still have plenty of RRSP money to work with.
Security of pension becomes biggest risk and mine is 95%+ fully funded.
I am very glad I did this.