

A collage of different people and their personalities to show the unique money scripts .

A Rich Life

What are money scripts? What’s yours?

Psychologists use money scripts to help people develop a healthier relationship with finances and reach their goals. Find out...

What are money scripts? What’s yours?
Sander Meijers from Adyen

My MoneySense

Sander Meijers shares the most relatable money regret ever and talks about being a selective investor

Adyen’s Canadian manager tackles the My MoneySense questionnaire, revealing his money hero and the complexity of taking a lump...

Sander Meijers shares the most relatable money regret ever and talks about being a selective investor
A person holds a camera at arm's length and prepares to take a photo of themselves

A Rich Life

Investing Beyond the Numbers: Understanding financial flashpoints

Financial flashpoints are significant emotional events that shape our beliefs and behaviours towards money, ultimately influencing our financial and...

Investing Beyond the Numbers: Understanding financial flashpoints
A woman sits against a grey wall reading a book on international women's day.

Financial literacy

5 great personal finance books by women

Here are five powerful and inspiring personal finance books by women.

5 great personal finance books by women



Canadian entrepreneur and Dragon's Den judge Wes Hall sits on a stool against a grey background, smiling.

My MoneySense

Wes Hall explains the biggest money myth and the value of a well-tailored suit

Canadian entrepreneur and Dragons’ Den star Wes Hall talks about his investing lessons and the things he values the...

Wes Hall explains the biggest money myth and the value of a well-tailored suit
A woman reading a book to symbolize her learning about her money story

A Rich Life

What’s your money story?

Your money story shapes your relationship with your finances. Here’s how to examine yours, which can have a big...

What’s your money story?
A man in a suit sits in his office typing at a keyboard

Ask a Planner

The tax implications of working abroad for residents and non-residents of Canada

What taxes do you owe when working in another country if you’re a resident of Canada or have significant...

The tax implications of working abroad for residents and non-residents of Canada
Bollywed's father and son duo Chandan and Kuki Singh.

My MoneySense

Bollywed’s Kuki and Chandan Singh on making it in Canada—and on TV

Money comes up a lot in an intergenerationally run business led by this father-son duo. Find out what they...

Bollywed’s Kuki and Chandan Singh on making it in Canada—and on TV


A man sits in front of a chess board thinking deeply.

Financial Planning

How to make better financial decisions—without regret—in a crisis

What is a decision crisis? How do you know if you’re in one, and what do you do next?...

How to make better financial decisions—without regret—in a crisis
