

A woman rests her chin on her and looks up, pondering, What is financial psychology?

A Rich Life

What is financial psychology?

The psychology of money, also known as financial psychology, is the scientific study of how money influences people. Yes,...

What is financial psychology?
Couple in their 30s smile while reviewing a financial statement.

The Fourth Estate

What does high inflation mean for your retirement savings?

What does high inflation mean for your retirement savings?
An archer with her eye on the target to symbolize Target Date Funds in Canada.


Target-date funds in Canada: Investing for the year you plan to retire

Looking for a way to simplify your retirement investment strategy? A lot of people in Canada are meeting that...

Target-date funds in Canada: Investing for the year you plan to retire
a woman on her phone in the kitchen, possibly answering a call from a debt collector about a family member


Can debt collectors discuss your debt with your family members?

Can debt collectors discuss your debt with your family members?



A block calendar is changed from 2022 to 2023, as this article covers both years in finance, investing and stocsk


2022’s year in review: The financial highs, lows and what’s in store for 2023

A recap of the ups and downs investors and the markets dealt with in 2022 and a hint of...

2022’s year in review: The financial highs, lows and what’s in store for 2023
A woman reads an article online about her options as a long-term investor

Ask a Planner

Is now the time for a long-term investor to abandon stocks?

It’s been a difficult year for stock investors. Should you move into GICs or mortgage funds to invest for...

Is now the time for a long-term investor to abandon stocks?
A woman lies in the grass with her eyes closed, smiling

Making It

Working towards your dream lifestyle? Here’s how financial goals can help

Affording the things you want as a young adult is achievable when you follow these strategies when setting your...

Working towards your dream lifestyle? Here’s how financial goals can help
MoneySense - Why open a high-interest savings account?


Video: Why open a high-interest savings account?

Video: Why open a high-interest savings account?


Links to video: Promotional rates: What to look for in the fine print


Video: Promotional rates: What to look for in the fine print

Video: Promotional rates: What to look for in the fine print
