Calculating capital gains on U.S. stocks
Selling U.S. equities? Keep the exchange rate in mind
Selling U.S. equities? Keep the exchange rate in mind
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The sale of US equities amounts to $5691.00 gain. This translates into $10 572.00 Canadian for income tax, using a Custom USD exchange rate. What is a custom USD exchange rate and how it it impact the above?
When a stock is purchased and sold in a USD account, does an FX gain/loss need to be recorded in addition to converting the USD purchase and sale price into CAD? The CRA says that an FX gain / loss has occurred when the foreign funds are used to make a purchase, so would the purchase of the stock be a purchase? If this weren’t the case, than would you not double count the FX gain / loss when the USD was converted back to CAD after the stock sale?
Hi David, thank you for the question.
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This response doesn’t actually answer the question though. Gary was asking how to calculate capital gains on his US investment and an answer would have some mathematics with a brief blurb about the rules along with a side note to discuss with an adviser or accountant.
This answer has none of that as it just reads like a politician answer that sounds like it heard the question, but doesn’t understand that it is a question.
Does the CRA look at recording capital gains or losses in US stocks between a corporation and a personal account differently. Seeing that discount brokerages DO NOT calculate the foreign exchange rates for you it is IMPOSSIBLE to track things on a daily basis. Does CRA not allow you to calculate the exchange rate gains or losses based upon annual exchange rates basis?