Money Matters: What’s one positive personal finance habit you wish every Canadian would practise?
MoneySense partners share their answers to questions that we hope will inspire and inform Canadians about their personal finances.
MoneySense partners share their answers to questions that we hope will inspire and inform Canadians about their personal finances.
In our 12-part video series, Money Matters, we interviewed the top voices in Canadian personal finance about money issues that affect all Canadians. For our eighth video of the series, we asked: What’s one positive personal finance habit you wish every Canadian would practise? Listen to what some of our partners have to say.
Watch: Money Matters Question 08—What's one positive personal finance habit you wish every Canadian would practise?Follow us on YouTube to catch all 12 videos in this series. We’d love to hear your feedback in the comments.
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I wish Head of credit cards person mentioned the importance of paying your credit card balance off when it’s due every months. Instead of putting every $25 to your sav account.
Not paying a single dollar in credit card fees and interest. This is what really counts! lol
Save 10% income
I wish every Canadian would have an emergency fund. The pandemic showed us how close to the edge many people live, even if they think they’re relatively secure. There are too many people with no financial cushion if something goes wrong.
I wish Canadians would not spend more than they earn and try to live within their means.