Leave me alone! How to beat telemarketers at their own game
How to beat telemarketers at their own game and have your dinner peace.
How to beat telemarketers at their own game and have your dinner peace.
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The best is to turn the roles. They use a script – use your own:
Sorry, you spoke so fast I didn’t get your name…
– Maria Luciensky..
Did you say “Maria Luciensky”?
– Yes
What a beautiful name! But difficult to remember , can you please spell it out for me?
– L U C I E N S K Y
Ok, thanks… so it is Luciensky?
-Yes.. May I ask you a question?
Yes, you may, but first I want my questions answered… Are you putting this in a database?
– Yes…
In what language is this DB programmed?
– I don’t know…
Don’t you think that is a danger? Some programming languages are really dangerous. Dis you know that?
And than go on like : How lonng do you have this job? Does it require special skills? Did they force you to use a certain kind of toothpaste/hairwash/aftershave etcetcetc…?
May I ask how old are you? Is that above 75/35/12…?
Make a script out of these type of questions and try to keep them connected as long as possible. Lots of fun! Here at home we make a serious competition aout of that. Big laugh. If they complain, explain that they want you to answer all kind of questions & therefore you want first answers from them…