We are here to help Canadians looking for information to help them make a financial decision or learn more about personal finance. With the most comprehensive selection of personal finance content in Canada, the highest quality content from industry experts and professional writers, we strive to produce content that gives actionable advice and takeaways that are easy to understand.
To help all online Canadians make better financial decisions by offering them top-quality journalistic content that is highly relevant and relatable.
MoneySense seeks to curate and share highly relevant and much needed information that helps Canadians solve their financial problems and achieve financial success at the highest possible level.
Lisa Hannam is MoneySense’s editor in chief. She is an award-winning editor with over 20 years of experience in service journalism.
Jaclyn Law is MoneySense’s managing editor. She has worked in Canadian media for over 20 years. She completed the CSC in 2022.
Justin Dallaire is MoneySense’s senior editor. He was previously an editor at Strategy magazine.
Michael McCullough is a financial writer and editor in Duncan, B.C.
Jonathan Chevreau is MoneySense’s investing editor-at-large, and he is also the founder of Financial Independence Hub.
Stephanie Griffiths is a Chartered Financial Analyst and consulting editor for MoneySense.
Columnist Jason Heath is a fee-only, advice-only Certified Financial Planner at Objective Financial Partners Inc. in Toronto.
Evelyn Jacks is a consulting editor for MoneySense, tax specialist and the president of Knowledge Bureau.
Luca Tatulli is MoneySense’s research assistant, and he fact checks and provides research for articles and rankings.