Thursday roundup
How beauty affects your career, little-known credit card fees, tips on travel savings and perspective on your job.
How beauty affects your career, little-known credit card fees, tips on travel savings and perspective on your job.
• Who knew your mom’s haranguing about combing your hair and standing up straight was good career advice? According to a University of Texas labour economist, beautiful people enjoy professional advantages over their less-attractive peers.
• Did you know that making a purchase on your credit card either while abroad or from another country online will result in a Foreign Exchange Fee of around 2%? U.S. credit card issuers recently announced that they are scrapping the fee in an effort to increase market share, so the Rewards Canada blog decided to see if the same thing might happen in Canada.The answer? Not anytime soon.
• Getting there may be half the fun, but overpaying on the way can put you in a less than celebratory mood. has some great tips on how to stay within your travel budget.
• Everyone likes to indulge in a little griping about their job once in a while, but when’s the last time you really thought about the pros and cons of your position? offers a little reminder that there’s more to a career than just a salary.
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