How finding a Higher Power helped me kill my debt
The Debt Diaries, Step Two: Accept that a greater power will restore my sanity
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The Debt Diaries, Step Two: Accept that a greater power will restore my sanity
PREVIOUS STEP: ‘I was trying to fix my pain with spending‘Alex (a member of my Debtors Anonymous group and, like the others, not her real name) explains her Higher Power this way: “For me, God is in the numbers. I now have a spending plan that I developed with members of DA. If my spending plan allocates $500 for vacation, then that’s it. That’s what I get to spend. In the past, I would just say, well, I want a vacation, so I’m going, and it’s going on credit. Now, it’s simple. If God wants me to do something, then there will be money for it.” Ruth, a nurse in New Jersey, and an Orthodox Jew, already believed in God when she came into DA. But she didn’t really check in with God about her spending. A self-confessed spending addict, Ruth spent thousands on designer clothes, bags and shoes before taking Step One. She came to believe that the same God she prayed to in synagogue would help her with her spending addiction. “I have never believed in God that is a distant white guy with a beard,” she explains, “but now I turn to God for help with all my decisions, including financial.” How do you do this? Stay tuned for Step Three.
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