How Trump’s election win could affect interest rates in Canada
Experts say Donald Trump’s promised policies risk higher inflation and could weigh on the Canadian dollar.
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Experts say Donald Trump’s promised policies risk higher inflation and could weigh on the Canadian dollar.
Inflation is down, wages are up. But the economic recovery has been uneven, with “two contradictory trends” shaping Canadians’...
Looking for a new car? What you should know about leasing versus owning.
Equifax launches foreign credit score sourcing program for newcomers, building on a similar service offered by Nova Credit.
Spending thousands of dollars on upgrades to your living space can be daunting for seniors. Here are some financing...
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The central bank lowers its key interest rate to 3.75% and says it now must keep inflation at 2%....
We’ve put together all the tools and strategies you need to manage the shock of renewing your home loan...
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Credit Canada