Smart holiday spending

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CIBC Pace It
Can you be festive without going into debt? With these money saving tips you can.
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CIBC Pace It
Can you be festive without going into debt? With these money saving tips you can.
Most people have no clue how much they should spend on gifts, she adds. They simply walk into the store and pick whatever looks good without understanding how that purchase will impact their finances. Another common mistake is only tallying up the cost of gifts while forgetting about the rest of the money that typically gets spent over the holidays. While keeping a running tally of gifts is important, says Sivertson, don’t forget to include the cost of other purchases such as wine for your Zoom parties.Have you budgeted for holiday shopping?
— MoneySense (@MoneySense) November 10, 2022
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Cyber Monday is Nov 26? I thought it was Nov 30…….
Obviously written pre-Covid.