When to prioritize debt repayment over saving
Lindsay uses the priority pyramid to find out how much money she has to put towards debt repayment or investments.
Lindsay uses the priority pyramid to find out how much money she has to put towards debt repayment or investments.
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**MODERATION** This applies to so many aspects of our lives, here as well (saving and spending). Although without a sound spreadsheet or budget to review I will have to assume all of the clients needs are met before the final tally of the net income. By this I mean a line item for living……… 2 Saturdays a month for going out (cap at $75 each). Her gym, so what if it costs? IF it makes her happy, social, healthy, and it is her “worth living” time I say > BARGAIN.
I had too many friends saving every dime only to die early and it is taxed and spent by others who many times are distant or barely known. Being an executor twice I also understand how much the government takes if there no plans because you are young (die early). Take the to time to live AND plan for the future.
As an example: met a nice fellow at our investment club. He is a FIRE aficionado and aiming for retirement at 40 years old (presently 26 yrs old). After talking for a bit he motioned to a new car to show me. OK a $90K Tesla WTF? REALLY?
Yup his but not a big deal he thought. LOL.
NOT a FIRE candidate haaha
MODERATION good to remember for very many things in life.