By MoneySense Staff on May 28, 2012 Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Find a fee-only planner in Saskatchewan
By MoneySense Staff on May 28, 2012 Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Fee-only planners in Saskatchewan.
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The listing below is provided as a service only and the firms listed have not been screened or approved by MoneySense magazine or Canadian Business Online.
If you are interested in being added to our listing, please contact [email protected] with your information.
Eureka Investor GuidanceKathy Waite
RR#2 Craven, SK, S0G 0W0 tel (306) 535 2255
email: [email protected]
licensed to sell investment products: no
payment options: first appointment complimentary
• fee: All inclusive annual service fee depending on complexity. Hourly fee for projects or specific questions can be arranged.
areas served: Southern Saskatchewan up to Saskatoon
minimum account size: no minimum
planner credentials: Cert PFS, CAFA, CPCA studying for CDFA
areas of specialization:
•Independent unbiased consulting and planning
•Family money coach, cash flow, net worth management
•Life skills education, wealth builder program, for 20 to 30ish year olds
•Objective portfolio evaluation and second opinion
•Goals analysis, custom Investment Policy Statement, asset allocation, risk tolerance assessment
•Retirement planning
•Education on how to utilize government programs for children with disabilities or education planning.
•Risk management, insurance planning
•Explanation and education of group benefits plans
•Assistance with major pension decisions on severance or job changes
•Estate planning
•Projects or specific queries at times of life change