
Estate Planning

Three seniors are sitting at a table posing for a selfie photo as they play poker together. it's a symbolic photo representing how tontines work.

Retired Money

Tontines in Canada: Moving from theory to practice as a solution to our retirement crisis

You may be hearing about new products that sound like tontines, even if they’re not called tontines. Here’s why....

Tontines in Canada: Moving from theory to practice as a solution to our retirement crisis
An adult man, acting as power of attorney, hugs his senior mom. He's wondering about gifting her assets while she's in a home.

Ask a Planner

Gifting a parent’s assets using a power of attorney

As power of attorney, does it make sense to divide up a parent’s assets before their death?

Gifting a parent’s assets using a power of attorney
A young farmer stands proudly amongst the first leaves of corn stalks, as he may be getting the farm from his father to avoid taxes.

Ask a Planner

Can you gift a farm to your kids to avoid taxes?

The idea to gift property to a family member for a dollar to avoid tax is a common one....

Can you gift a farm to your kids to avoid taxes?
A historic vacation property with private access to the shore that was purchased through a corporation

Real Estate

Should you buy real estate through a corporation?

It can make sense to purchase rental or vacation properties through a corporation, but often it's simpler—and less risky...

Should you buy real estate through a corporation?



To symbolize a split estate, a matriarch is seated at the head of the table with her family grabbing seats at both sides.

Ask a Planner

Do you have to split your estate evenly between your children?

Courts in some provinces can vary the distribution of an estate and override a last will and testament. Here’s...

Do you have to split your estate evenly between your children?
A couple are looking at a photo book, as they clear up the home of a family member. They're also at the stage of wondering the next steps, including who will pay for the mortgage

Estate Planning

Is the family responsible to pay the mortgage for a loved one who has passed away?

When a home owner dies with money owing on the property, the type of ownership determines who is accountable...

Is the family responsible to pay the mortgage for a loved one who has passed away?
A woman is sitting in a lawyer's office reading a power of attorney document, and she is wondering what the fees are for a POA in Ontario.

Ask a Planner

Are fees payable for acting as a power of attorney?

Can you be paid for a role as an attorney for property, in particular, after the position has already...

Are fees payable for acting as a power of attorney?
A woman in her 80s is sitting on her couch at home, removing her glasses, as she is thinking about selling her home or get a reverse mortgage.

Ask a Planner

Should I sell and rent or get a reverse mortgage?

What to consider before selling your home or getting a reverse mortgage. The math reveals the real costs for...

Should I sell and rent or get a reverse mortgage?


A young man leans forward on a couch to pet his dog.

Ask a Planner

What are the taxes on transferring real estate to your kids?

Joan and her partner own the condo her son lives in, but they want to transfer ownership to him....

What are the taxes on transferring real estate to your kids?
