
Estate Planning

An older woman sits in a chair by the window, sketching with a pencil and paper.

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Capital gains, taxes and more: The implications of inheriting real estate

There are tax, estate and other implications when inheriting real estate, even from family.

Capital gains, taxes and more: The implications of inheriting real estate
Hello name stickers alongside markers, to symbolize a beneficiary deciding on the name to write down

Ask MoneySense

Is a name change on a will a game-changer?

Creating a will is a good thing to do. It dots the Is and crosses the Ts. But what...

Is a name change on a will a game-changer?
A woman in her early 50s sits at the head of a dinner table raising a glass to friends and family.


How does an executor pay estate expenses during the probate process?

An executor is expected to pay the expenses of an estate on time, but what happens if the estate...

How does an executor pay estate expenses during the probate process?
contemplative older woman

Ask a Planner

Are you entitled to anything when your ex-spouse dies?

Ginette wonders if she can claim survivor benefits although she and her late former husband were no longer together. 

Are you entitled to anything when your ex-spouse dies?



mother and daughter in the kitchen

Ask a Planner

What happens to real estate when a spouse dies and property isn’t held jointly? 

Barb’s mother is living in a house that was owned by her deceased father, and remains in the name...

What happens to real estate when a spouse dies and property isn’t held jointly? 
A father and a baby playing together on a bed at the cottage.

Qualified Advice

Questions about real estate, family, finances and more

Three situations: Renovating a cottage to build an inheritance, adding names to a property and understanding capital gains. And...

Questions about real estate, family, finances and more
woman signing document using tablet

Ask a Planner

Estate planning changes in Ontario

Virtual signing and remote witnessing are now permanent options for clients and lawyers creating wills and powers of attorney...

Estate planning changes in Ontario
older man speaking on mobile phone

Ask a Planner

How to stop debt or pension payments after someone has died

Jarnail’s son passed away recently, yet his student loan payments continue to be withdrawn. What should his next steps...

How to stop debt or pension payments after someone has died


concerned woman speaking on cellphone and looking at laptop

Qualified Advice

What are the tax consequences of real estate joint ownership when one owner dies?

It can get complicated, especially if the surviving owner resides overseas—where that country's tax laws may apply as well.

What are the tax consequences of real estate joint ownership when one owner dies?
