
Financial Planning

Book cover Retired Income for Life by Fred Vettesse on a pile of Canadian money.

Retired Money

Retirement Income for Life: Why Canadian retirees love Frederick Vettese’s books and his PERC

What’s new in the latest edition of Retirement Income for Life? A long-time fan digs into the book and...

Retirement Income for Life: Why Canadian retirees love Frederick Vettese’s books and his PERC
Canadian working part-time in retirement wondering if he can collect employment insurance EI


How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada

Just because you paid loads into a program doesn't mean you'll get EI benefits when you retire

How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada
Shopify platform on a computer, as we discuss its Q4 earnings


Making sense of the markets this week: February 18, 2024

Shopify battles expectations, pipelines and utilities pump profits, Cameco’s future looks bright, Swift versus the recession and Barrick shares...

Making sense of the markets this week: February 18, 2024
Friends having fun, thanks to a sinking fund that helps them to afford a fun life


How to afford a fun life

Affording a fun life isn’t just for the rich and TikTokers. Young Canadians just starting out can, too—with a...

How to afford a fun life



A person populates their monthly budget in excel.


MoneySense’s free Excel template for your monthly budget

If you’re looking for a free Excel budget template in Canada, then this tool is for you. Start planning...

MoneySense’s free Excel template for your monthly budget
Happy senior parents and their adult son having fun while greeting in the kitchen.

Ask a Planner

How to model retirement income in Canada

The risk of having too much money left when you die is real. Often realizing this comes too late...

How to model retirement income in Canada
Photo courtesy of PC Financial

My MoneySense

Saving on purchases and for emergency funds, Canada’s extreme couponer shares her secrets

Kathleen Cassidy is a savvy shopper, and her thousands of followers know it. With MoneySense, though, she talks about...

Saving on purchases and for emergency funds, Canada’s extreme couponer shares her secrets
A man named Jing on his tablet at home

Ask a Planner

Can you save on taxes by owning an investment account with your child?

Jointly owning an asset with a child comes with tax and estate implications. Here’s why it may not be...

Can you save on taxes by owning an investment account with your child?


A young boy plays with a toy car in a classroom


How much money does the government contribute to an RESP?

How much money does the government contribute to an RESP?
