
Financial Planning

Canadian financial influencer Reni Odetoyinbo smiles at the camera while sitting on a red armchair.

My MoneySense

Reni Odetoyinbo on why you should pay yourself first and have multiple streams of income 

The content strategist, podcaster, and diversity and inclusion consultant shares her personal finance tips and tricks.

Reni Odetoyinbo on why you should pay yourself first and have multiple streams of income 

Ask a Planner

What to do with U.S. dollar RRSPs in retirement

If you already have a Canadian dollar RRIF, should you roll the U.S. dollar RRSP into the RRIF, or...

What to do with U.S. dollar RRSPs in retirement
Benjamin Franklin on a $100 bill, not looking impressed on our first topic: debt ceiling


Making sense of the markets this week: June 4, 2023

Making sense of the markets this week: June 4, 2023
A woman who is happy about her move to Albertastands in front of the rocky mountains.

Real Estate

Should you move to Alberta?

Tempted by the call of the mountains? You might be wondering about moving to Alberta. Here’s what to know...

Should you move to Alberta?



A young woman smiles as she carries school books

Making It

What to look for in your first job after graduation—besides a good salary

New grads are often shouldering debt, and many hope to land their first job quickly. Here are some factors...

What to look for in your first job after graduation—besides a good salary
A man speaks on this cellphone in a park

Ask a Planner

Should this DIY investor go all in on this international ETF?

You can exclusively hold international ETFs in any Canadian account, without paying a penalty. But there are taxes and...

Should this DIY investor go all in on this international ETF?
A woman repairs a ceiling, and this column talks about the U.S. debt ceiling, bank and retail earnings, optimism in investing and more.


Making sense of the markets this week: May 28, 2023

Making sense of the markets this week: May 28, 2023
Six people celebrating retirement, symbolizing the five (plus one) factor for when to retire in Canada

Retired Money

The five factors of retirement for Canadians

There are five factors in deciding the timing of retirement—plus a sixth factor that isn’t important even though many...

The five factors of retirement for Canadians


A woman looking extremely happy, inspiring the question, "Does money buy happiness?"

A Rich Life

Does money buy happiness?

Money and happiness have a complex relationship. Income provides, but experiences, treats and giving make us all happy, so...

Does money buy happiness?
