
Financial Planning

Hello name stickers alongside markers, to symbolize a beneficiary deciding on the name to write down

Ask MoneySense

Is a name change on a will a game-changer?

Creating a will is a good thing to do. It dots the Is and crosses the Ts. But what...

Is a name change on a will a game-changer?
A woman is stretched out on her bed, reading a book. She has her leg kicked up in the air because she's reading about Canadian ETFs.

Retired Money

The Canadian investing book about ETFs that will have you saying eh-T-Fs 

When researching what to do with the ETFs in your portfolio, here’s some recommended reading—after you read this article,...

The Canadian investing book about ETFs that will have you saying eh-T-Fs 
A woman in her early 50s sits at the head of a dinner table raising a glass to friends and family.


How does an executor pay estate expenses during the probate process?

An executor is expected to pay the expenses of an estate on time, but what happens if the estate...

How does an executor pay estate expenses during the probate process?

Making It

6 money lessons I wish I knew in my 20s

Columnist Sandy Yong wants to help young Canadians get ahead financially. Here are the money lessons she wishes she’d...

6 money lessons I wish I knew in my 20s



A Canadian flag stands high in front of a federal building in Ottawa

Financial Planning

Budget 2022: How it may affect Canadians’ finances and investments

The budget includes a new program for first-time home buyers, bank taxes, dental coverage and more. What does it...

Budget 2022: How it may affect Canadians’ finances and investments
A smiling financial advisor sits behind her desk, holding a mug

Financial Planning

What it’s like to work with a financial advisor

If you’ve never worked with a financial advisor before, here’s what to expect—starting with how to find an advisor...

What it’s like to work with a financial advisor
A smiling woman holds a baby

Financial Planning

How financial advisors can help at different life stages

Whether you’re a newlywed or looking forward to retirement, a financial advisor can help you plan for a healthy...

How financial advisors can help at different life stages

Ask a Planner

Understanding the 1994 capital gains tax election

There is a $100,000 capital gains exemption that applied until 1994. Find out if it can be used to...

Understanding the 1994 capital gains tax election


Ask a Planner

Calculating expected returns on the sale of real estate

Yan is selling his home and wants to know how to price it to ensure he turns a profit.

Calculating expected returns on the sale of real estate
