
Financial Planning

money matters how do we close the gender wealth gap


Money Matters: How do we close the gender wealth gap?

MoneySense partners share their answers to questions that we hope will inspire and inform Canadians about their personal finances.

Money Matters: How do we close the gender wealth gap?
Senior couple using a digital device in a living room

Qualified Advice

Investing inside a corporation: what you need to know

A Certified Financial Planner helps a retired couple understand the investing options available, as well as complications, for Canadians...

Investing inside a corporation: what you need to know
boats at market in Bangkok, Thailand

Ask a Planner

Can you receive a government pension if you live outside of Canada?

Helen wants to know if her father can receive Old Age Security benefits, despite not living in Canada for...

Can you receive a government pension if you live outside of Canada?
MoneySense general manager Jon Vassallo hosts the Money Matters video series


Money Matters: What role do the most financially secure citizens have in addressing wealth inequality?

MoneySense partners share their answers to questions that we hope will inspire and inform Canadians about their personal finances.

Money Matters: What role do the most financially secure citizens have in addressing wealth inequality?



older couple dancing in their living room

Financial Planning

Fresh takes on the challenges facing baby boomers as they approach retirement

Our columnist reviews The Boomers Retire, a new book that fills the growing knowledge gap about retirement income among...

Fresh takes on the challenges facing baby boomers as they approach retirement
contemplative older woman

Ask a Planner

Are you entitled to anything when your ex-spouse dies?

Ginette wonders if she can claim survivor benefits although she and her late former husband were no longer together. 

Are you entitled to anything when your ex-spouse dies?


Making sense of the markets this week: July 5, 2021

Why investors should pay attention to the CAPE ratio; an easy way to beat the TSX; young investors' attitudes...

Making sense of the markets this week: July 5, 2021
mother and daughter in the kitchen

Ask a Planner

What happens to real estate when a spouse dies and property isn’t held jointly? 

Barb’s mother is living in a house that was owned by her deceased father, and remains in the name...

What happens to real estate when a spouse dies and property isn’t held jointly? 



Introducing Money Matters—a new video series from MoneySense

MoneySense partners share their answers to questions that we hope will inspire and inform Canadians about their personal finances.

Introducing Money Matters—a new video series from MoneySense
