
Financial Planning

A father and a baby playing together on a bed at the cottage.

Qualified Advice

Questions about real estate, family, finances and more

Three situations: Renovating a cottage to build an inheritance, adding names to a property and understanding capital gains. And...

Questions about real estate, family, finances and more
woman signing document using tablet

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Estate planning changes in Ontario

Virtual signing and remote witnessing are now permanent options for clients and lawyers creating wills and powers of attorney...

Estate planning changes in Ontario
couple holding hands by the waterfront

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IVF and adoption costs in Canada

Having kids can be expensive for every family—but for Canadians with fertility issues, there are added financial and non-financial...

IVF and adoption costs in Canada
A couple in their mid-50s sits on a bench along the water in front of of condo buildings.


Selling your house? Here’s where to invest the proceeds

What to do with the proceeds of a house sale, RRSPs and TFSAs? Invest. Here's how robo-advisors might work.

Selling your house? Here’s where to invest the proceeds



older man speaking on mobile phone

Ask a Planner

How to stop debt or pension payments after someone has died

Jarnail’s son passed away recently, yet his student loan payments continue to be withdrawn. What should his next steps...

How to stop debt or pension payments after someone has died
older man at laptop computer

Ask a Planner

New investment approaches for risk-averse Canadians

Old-school investors may find the capital preservation techniques they have relied on in the past won't work the same...

New investment approaches for risk-averse Canadians
concerned woman speaking on cellphone and looking at laptop

Qualified Advice

What are the tax consequences of real estate joint ownership when one owner dies?

It can get complicated, especially if the surviving owner resides overseas—where that country's tax laws may apply as well.

What are the tax consequences of real estate joint ownership when one owner dies?
couple looking at laptop screen


Wealthsimple Tax review 2021

We break down what to expect from this "pay what you wish" income tax return preparation platform, offered by...

Wealthsimple Tax review 2021


man and woman looking at each other in their home

Ask a Planner

Understanding income attribution and how to deal with it at tax time

Paul and his wife have a non-registered investment account and want to make sure they are reporting the income...

Understanding income attribution and how to deal with it at tax time
