
Financial Planning

Man consulting with lawyer before signing contract

Real Estate

7 steps to take when dividing property during divorce 

More than a decree, divorce is a process—and this quick reference will help guide you through the financial aspects...

7 steps to take when dividing property during divorce 

Ask a Planner

What to consider when naming investment account beneficiaries

Whom you name as your account beneficiary—and whether you name one—can have tax and estate implications. Here’s what you...

What to consider when naming investment account beneficiaries

Ask MoneySense

RESP advice for Canadian citizens living in the U.S.

Sohail has become a non-resident of Canada, but still has a RESP account he is contributing to each month....

RESP advice for Canadian citizens living in the U.S.

Real Estate

4 ways to pass along the family cottage

Minimizing tax is only one factor to consider when passing on the family cottage.

4 ways to pass along the family cottage




Is building an emergency fund more important than other financial goals?

Sami, 51 and single, wants to put extra mortgage payments and RRSP contributions on the back burner until her...

Is building an emergency fund more important than other financial goals?

Ask MoneySense

Is this couple on track to leave their 3 kids an inheritance?

Bob and Janet are DIY investors seeking advice on how to reach their estate-planning goals. They can improve their...

Is this couple on track to leave their 3 kids an inheritance?

Ask a Planner

Should you update your financial plan given recent volatility?

Investors need to expect volatility and plan for it—not only in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, but always. It’s...

Should you update your financial plan given recent volatility?


How can you protect yourself from financial abuse?

Anyone can fall prey to this common form of domestic violence. Experts share advice on how to tell if...

How can you protect yourself from financial abuse?


Ask MoneySense

Mapping out a clear path for your investments at retirement

Robert is 60 and has a low risk tolerance. So how should he invest his money to suit his...

Mapping out a clear path for your investments at retirement
