


How not to prepare for a bear market in bonds

The risk of rising interest rates has become an obsession in the financial media. Those risks are undeniably real:...

How not to prepare for a bear market in bonds


Ask the Spud: Should I fear rising interest rates?

In the long run, rising interest rates a good thing for bond investors.

Ask the Spud: Should I fear rising interest rates?


Rising rates haunt bond investors

Interest rates are near historic lows and seem bound to rise. Bond investors should heed duration, or sensitivity to...

Rising rates haunt bond investors


Corporate bonds can boost your returns

With yields still near historic lows, bond investors can get more interest by swapping government issues for corporates.

Corporate bonds can boost your returns




Is your bond fund really losing money?

When the yield on 10-year federal bonds spiked earlier this year—from 1.88% on May 16 all the way to...

Is your bond fund really losing money?


Why a diversification is a piece of cake

After almost four years of false alarms, the bond bears are finally able to act smug. Broad-based Canadian bond...

Why a diversification is a piece of cake


What’s happening to my bond ETF?

If your portfolio includes a broad-based bond index fund, you’ve probably noticed its value has fallen significantly over the...

What’s happening to my bond ETF?


Why use a strip bond ETF?

Barry Gordon admits he was surprised when he first read Justin Bender’s entry in First Asset’s Search for Canada’s...

Why use a strip bond ETF?



A new ETF of strip bonds

Back in February I asked readers to share their ideas for new ETFs that might fill gaps in the...

A new ETF of strip bonds
