Buying and selling ETFs

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While trading ETFs is pretty simple, understanding a few guidelines—and using the tools available through online brokerages—can help ensure you don't pay more than you should.
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While trading ETFs is pretty simple, understanding a few guidelines—and using the tools available through online brokerages—can help ensure you don't pay more than you should.
You can buy or sell ETFs the same way you buy and sell stocks—on stock exchanges.
And you can do that through your broker—or, if you’re a do-it-yourself investor, you can trade through an online brokerage. Each ETF has a ticker symbol that you can use to search for the funds you’re interested in on the platform.
If you want to trade on your own, here are some tips to help you maximize earnings, while minimizing risks and commission fees.
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Thanks for the guided tour. So if ETFs trade like stocks, how do you distinguish an ETF from a stock that is not an ETF? Sometimes I worry that the marketing department wants us to think a stock is an ETF, when it isn’t