

A couple and their landlord demonstrate the benefits of being a long-term investor


Buying stocks? Think about investment income, not just price growth

Buying stocks? Think about investment income, not just price growth
A Google building sign: This week we cover Google's earnings, other Big Tech, and Canadian companies too.


Making sense of the markets this week: February 5, 2023

Takeaways from the earning reports of Big Tech and Canadian infrastructure, what to make of the ”disinflationary process” and...

Making sense of the markets this week: February 5, 2023
Playing on the words "all-weather" a man is walking outside in the snow, fully dressed and ready for the weather.

Retired Money

Are ETFs a good investment for an all-weather portfolio?

Are ETFs a good investment for an all-weather portfolio?
Middle-aged man and woman smile at a laptop as they check their retirement savings

The Fourth Estate

What do high interest rates mean for retirement savings?

What do high interest rates mean for retirement savings?



A man in his late 50s lies on a race track with his arms stretched behind his head

Ask a Planner

How to use income ETFs for retirement income

Are income ETFs the right choice for retirees? And should you place them in a life income fund that...

How to use income ETFs for retirement income
Long view of train tracks to symbolize the analysis of CNR earnings, interest rates and productivity in Canada.


Making sense of the markets this week: January 29, 2023

CNR and big tech earnings, how to solve Canada’s productivity issues, and are we really done with interest rate...

Making sense of the markets this week: January 29, 2023
The Intelligent Fund Investor book, showing the chapter entitled "It's a matter of beliefs and behaviour/"


Book review: The Intelligent Fund Investor by Joe Wiggins

Selecting funds based on past returns, stories about “the next best thing” and so on can be costly mistakes....

Book review: The Intelligent Fund Investor by Joe Wiggins
A man and woman in their 60s are happy about having extra money to invest

Qualified Advice

Where should you invest an extra $50,000 in your 60s?

Where should you invest an extra $50,000 in your 60s?


A couple at home watching Netflix, as we cover the earnings and other investing headlines this week.


Making sense of the markets this week: January 22, 2023

Inflation comes down—gold goes up, banks earn money no matter the direction, and Netflix retains the streaming heavyweight title.

Making sense of the markets this week: January 22, 2023
