

smart beta ETFs

Ask MoneySense

Use small-cap ETFs to modify a Couch Potato

Kelly is a passive investor who wants to add more growth to her couch potato portfolio. Here's a couple...

Use small-cap ETFs to modify a Couch Potato
investment fees

Canadian Couch Potato

The latest Couch Potato Portfolio for 2017

Remember, there's no reason to change if you're using the older model

The latest Couch Potato Portfolio for 2017
vanguard etfs

Canadian Couch Potato

Couch Potato portfolio returns for 2016

Another solid year for investors—despite Brexit and Trump

Couch Potato portfolio returns for 2016
crm2 portfolio light peek


It’s time you knew how you’re doing

Clear portfolio reports are coming. But will clarity protect investors from dumb mistakes?

It’s time you knew how you’re doing



small-cap couch


There’s money in your couch

Our Couch Potato guide offers 3 low-fee, no-fuss ways to get rich. Find the right one for you—and watch...

There’s money in your couch
capital gains

Canadian Couch Potato

Understanding capital gains distributions

Prepare for a surprise tax slip

Understanding capital gains distributions
U.S. corporate bond


Balancing your bonds

It’s more important than ever to pay attention to what goes into maintaining a winning fixed income portfolio

Balancing your bonds
stock screen


Can Questrade really save you 30%?

The new Questrade campaign asks whether mutual funds are costing investors 30% of their retirement. It's a fair question,...

Can Questrade really save you 30%?


future investment returns probate fees

Ask MoneySense

How to switch out of high-fee funds

If you own expensive mutual funds you are paying for a service. If you aren't getting good value for...

How to switch out of high-fee funds
