


Ask MoneySense about ETFs

Got an ETF investing question you'd like to ask MoneySense staff about? Click here to email us!

Ask MoneySense about ETFs

Ask MoneySense

Taxes on U.S. stocks in TFSAs

Are there withholding taxes on dividends from U.S. stocks in a TFSA?

Taxes on U.S. stocks in TFSAs

December/January 2014

From stock-picker to indexing purist

Newlywed Emily Li wants her investments to work harder.

From stock-picker to indexing purist

Canadian Couch Potato

Your guide to the (even more) perfect portfolio

I'm pleased to announce that the 2013 edition of The MoneySense Guide to the Perfect Portfolio, featuring the best...

Your guide to the (even more) perfect portfolio




Why ETF distributions fluctuate

Investors often wonder why ETF distributions fluctuate even when the securities held by the fund and the distributions of...

Why ETF distributions fluctuate


Bond ETFs aren’t the losers you think

Even if your statements show bond funds in the red, you may not have lost money. Here’s a fix...

Bond ETFs aren’t the losers you think


Couch Potatoes can have a conscience

Index funds include companies that some investors can’t stomach. Here's how to avoid that.

Couch Potatoes can have a conscience


Fixed income markets are heating up

Emerging fixed income markets are yielding higher rates these days.

Fixed income markets are heating up


Canadian Couch Potato

ETF choices are less important than you think

Too often investors get overly focused specific funds.

ETF choices are less important than you think
