

Canadian Couch Potato

Comparing the Costs of Index Funds and ETFs

The growing popularity of index investing has a lot to do with the increasing number of ETFs available, and...

Comparing the Costs of Index Funds and ETFs

Canadian Couch Potato

Tim Pickering on Managed Futures, Part 2

Here’s part two of my interview with Tim Pickering, president of Auspice Capital Advisors, who manages both the Horizons...

Tim Pickering on Managed Futures, Part 2


Money saving tips for passive investors

There are two types of passive investments: index funds and ETFs. Understanding the difference can save you money.

Money saving tips for passive investors

Canadian Couch Potato

Tim Pickering on Managed Futures, Part 1

On Monday I wrote about managed futures, a strategy that can add a layer of diversification to a traditional...

Tim Pickering on Managed Futures, Part 1



Canadian Couch Potato

What are managed futures?

One of the most difficult tasks in building a portfolio is finding asset classes that do not move in...

What are managed futures?

Ask MoneySense

Key portfolio ingredients

Bruce Sellery says building a portfolio with ETFs and index funds is as easy as making a butter tart—only...

Key portfolio ingredients


The Long and Short of Barbell Bond ETFs

Chalk up another one for ETF innovation in Canada. This week, First Asset launched three new bond ETFs that...

The Long and Short of Barbell Bond ETFs

Canadian Couch Potato

An Overview of Commission-Free ETFs

Three discount brokerages in Canada now offer a menu of commission-free ETFs. Scotia iTrade pioneered this feature in Canada...

An Overview of Commission-Free ETFs



A Homemade Principal-Protected Note

Given the widespread fear among investors today, it’s not surprising that financial institutions offer a staggering number of structured...

A Homemade Principal-Protected Note
