

A pipeline worker is featured, as the article below talks about how the pipeline is attractive right now for Canadian investors


Making sense of the markets this week: November 13, 2022

Shopify surprises to the upside, mixed earnings season for Canada’s natural resources, and it continues to be tech versus...

Making sense of the markets this week: November 13, 2022
Hands are shown, typing on a laptop, to tie into the earnings reports below.


Making sense of the markets this week: November 6, 2022

Shopify surprises to the upside, mixed earnings season for Canada’s natural resources, and it continues to be tech versus...

Making sense of the markets this week: November 6, 2022
A person stands at the summit of a mountain, looking down at the clouds


Does TINA still apply for the stock market? Are GICs and bonds a new option for Canadian investors?

Here’s why it’s still true that there’s no alternative (TINA) to investing in the stock market if you want...

Does TINA still apply for the stock market? Are GICs and bonds a new option for Canadian investors?
A CN train is pictured to connect with the earnings report below


Making sense of the markets this week: October 30, 2022

What the latest Bank of Canada rate hikes mean yet again, and rails keep rolling while tech stocks crater....

Making sense of the markets this week: October 30, 2022



A bird flying in the sunset to symbolize the 60/40 balance portfolio as a pheonix rising again.

Retired Money

The 60/40 portfolio: A phoenix or a dud for retirees?

Retired or near retirement and rethinking the classic balanced asset allocation? Here’s the debate—that’s not really a debate—on the...

The 60/40 portfolio: A phoenix or a dud for retirees?
A young couple looking worried about inflation while grocery shopping


Making sense of the markets this week: October 23

High interest rates aren’t necessarily bad for banks, the Canadian inflation glass is half full (you can’t afford the...

Making sense of the markets this week: October 23
A woman stares at her cell phone in disbelief after learning that she has overcontributed to her TFSA

Ask a Planner

“My financial advisor overcontributed to my TFSA—now what?”

Overcontributing to a TFSA can be costly, especially if it goes unnoticed. What can you do if the error...

“My financial advisor overcontributed to my TFSA—now what?”
A female Canadian investor is on the phone, talking with her advisor to find out if she can put mutual fund fees back into her account.

Ask a Planner

Can I put mutual fund fees back in my account?

Investing fees (MER, TER, trailing) are always hard to swallow, but what if there was a way to manage...

Can I put mutual fund fees back in my account?


A can of Monster Energy drink coming out of darkness to symbolize its stealth growht


Making sense of the markets this week: October 9

Welcomed negative economic signals, earnings reports for jeans and beer, best performing stocks of the last 20 years, and...

Making sense of the markets this week: October 9
