

A Quebec flag on a pole is seen blowing in the wind


Making sense of the markets this week: July 17

Inflation and interest rates control the market mood; PepsiCo and U.S. banks kick off earnings season; and is Quebec...

Making sense of the markets this week: July 17
A young woman smiles at her laptop while hugging her dog


Investing in GICs? Here’s why to buy them from an online bank

Investing in GICs? Here’s why to buy them from an online bank
A Black man sits on his living room floor, checking both his laptop and phone app for cheap stock prices as he buys investment assets.


How to stay invested and pick up good quality companies—on the cheap

With the markets dropping, is it a time for Canadian investors to buy cheap stocks? Well, let’s see.

How to stay invested and pick up good quality companies—on the cheap
The Toronto skyline of bank buildings


Making sense of the markets this week: July 10

The worst start for markets since 1962, rate-hike fears, the pending real estate collapse and bank brokerages hide high-interest...

Making sense of the markets this week: July 10



A man in his late 50s is having some fun with his grandson, showing a snapshot of what retirement may be like and how annuities will matter.

Retired Money

Rising rates are good news for near-retirees seeking longevity insurance

Annuities are getting more attractive, so is it time to inch in as rates rise further?

Rising rates are good news for near-retirees seeking longevity insurance
Smiling man using his laptop at a table.


How GICs can help you save for your short-term goals

How GICs can help you save for your short-term goals
older man at laptop computer

Ask a Planner

New investment approaches for risk-averse Canadians

Old-school investors may find the capital preservation techniques they have relied on in the past won't work the same...

New investment approaches for risk-averse Canadians

Ask a Planner

What to consider if you still have RRSP contribution room

With just weeks left before the contribution deadline, a Certified Financial Planner rounds up key facts and common RRSP...

What to consider if you still have RRSP contribution room



Recovering from GIC sticker shock

Retirees accustomed to 2% or 3% returns on Guaranteed Investment Certificates are now grappling with rates of 1% or...

Recovering from GIC sticker shock
