
Index Funds

couch potato investing

Index Funds

Robo-advisors vs. Couch Potato investing

If you don't have a big enough portfolio to justify going to an advisor, but you still don't want...

Robo-advisors vs. Couch Potato investing
couch potato portfolio performance

Index Funds

Why it pays to put your feet up

The Couch Potato portfolio is cheap, but is it effective? Over the past two decades this simple strategy has...

Why it pays to put your feet up
investment fees


A Hot Potato feast

This aggressive portfolio could yield up to an extra 8 percentage points in returns compared to the regular Couch...

A Hot Potato feast
U.S. corporate bond


Balancing your bonds

It’s more important than ever to pay attention to what goes into maintaining a winning fixed income portfolio

Balancing your bonds



stock screen


Can Questrade really save you 30%?

The new Questrade campaign asks whether mutual funds are costing investors 30% of their retirement. It's a fair question,...

Can Questrade really save you 30%?
future investment returns probate fees

Ask MoneySense

How to switch out of high-fee funds

If you own expensive mutual funds you are paying for a service. If you aren't getting good value for...

How to switch out of high-fee funds
The only reason not to invest is if the projected returns aren’t high enough to justify the risk.


Don’t sweat the return outlook

Investors hate risk, but at times the biggest risk is not investing at all

Don’t sweat the return outlook
personal finance


Why every personal finance rule you know is wrong

Low bond yields, weaker stock returns and longer lives have sabotaged the rules of money. Here are the new...

Why every personal finance rule you know is wrong



New rules of investing

A 60-40 portfolio makes less sense these days

New rules of investing
